Our Vision
feed [ /fēd/ ] : to furnish something essential to the development, sustenance, maintenance, or operation of
Feed The People envisions communities where nourishing food is accessible, where youth grow up with strong personal connections to food and mentors, and where culinary skills are integral to youth development.

Feed The People believes that food is more than fuel, it is community. It is both a driving force behind bringing us together from family gatherings to sports celebrations. Food is a powerful tool for building and strengthening relationships.
Food is also memory: we use it to communicate, to curate shared experiences, to preserve our rich cultural pasts, and to create connections across the generations. We value food that tells our stories.
Food represents opportunity: it offers creative outlets for youth, pathways for entrepreneurship, power building, and it gives communities the chance to nourish themselves. We believe that feeding people opens doors for chefs and community members alike.
Chef Tarik talks about how Seattle Chefs are adapting to Covid-19 pandemic.
Feed The People Donations
As a community-driven team, we rely on staying connected to our people. FTP is always seeking donations, partnerships, and volunteers. For over a year, our founder and leader Chef Tarik Abdullah has been operating the Feed The People Community Kitchen program providing no-cost, freshly prepared meals to anyone in need from our kitchen in the Central District. We have been able to support this work through grants and generous donations like yours to be able to expand the reach of FTP throughout the city.